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1. General Information

JAMPROP will provide property sales data online from 2004 to present for the following:-

  1. Transfer of Registered Land Titles (for Parcels) e.g. Currency Type, Valuation Number etc.
  2. Transfer of Registered Land Titles (for Strata) e.g. Consideration, Land Use etc.
  3. Mortgage Listing e.g. Registration Year, Mortgage amount etc.

2. Method of Delivery

The property sales data can be viewed and extracted using Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word.

3. Delivery Time

The property sales data requested will be accessibly immediately.

4. Questions                                                   

If you have any questions regarding JAMPROP please contact us at jampropsales@nla.gov.jm or via our Live Webchat at www.nla.gov.jm .